I'm wearing three non-matching merino jumpers and a pair of jeans tucked into woollen tramping socks and Ugg boots. Plus a capacious mohair, David Bain-inspired, opp-shop jumper . My ensemble is finished off with a belted blue XXXOS polar fleece dressing gown and accessorised with a simple rubber hot water bottle in a toning shade. I look awful but I am really, really cosy: I have achieved the very essence of the AFASHIONISTA look.

Keeping warm while simultaneously maintaining a toehold on the ladder of sartorial acceptability can be very taxing. Unless, that is, you embrace a whole new fashion paradigm and become an afashionista.
Being an afashionista involves inhabiting a self-invented sartorial Never Never Land where clothes are worn purely for comfort, warmth and practicality and not a single item of clothing has to be smart, sexy, cool, classy or on-trend. It’s the very opposite of haute couture: the land where the natives wear sensible shoes and relaxed-fit clothing with elasticised waistbands in easy-care fabrics. Within this gap in the fashion spectrum high-waisted, pleat-fronted, stone-washed jeans are perfectly acceptable. So are Crocs worn with rugby socks and baggy grey track pants. In the land of Warm’n’Comfy bulky is the new svelte, ugly is the new beautiful.