In downtown Auckland, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy’s, Dunkin' Donuts and Subway are lost in the scrum of sushi, noodle, and kebab joints with names like Spicy Food Expert, Spicy Joint, or Fashion Pot Spicy. They don’t always serve what you might expect.

I'm doing this for two reasons. Firstly, it reminds me that I'm about to fly and that’s not good for my nerves. Secondly, given the lack of space between my seat and the one in front, it’s impossible to adopt the brace position she suggests: any panicked attempt to do so could only result in concussion.
Besides which, I know that surviving a crash is unlikely whatever posture I assume - even if it’s on my knees, babbling. The only possible advantage of cracking your head on your seat tray is that you’ll be unconscious during the plummet earthward. But I digress. This isn’t meant to be about fear of flying. It’s meant to be about food ...